Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Miss Silver Sage!!

I eluded in my last post that I had been to the new Restoration Hardware’s New gallery store in Berkley California a few weeks back. I also mentioned that the interior changes and look of their store left me cold and feeling somewhat down.

I don’t know about you, but I am not sure that is what they are trying to achieve. I have mentioned before that I like color, light and airy so it is a given I will not be comfortable in a dark cave- like room.

Where I feel Restoration Hardware might be shooting themselves in the foot, is the look that they now have does not appear to be very versatile to the masses. The look is so distinctive that you might just have to do your entire room over in order to make their pieces fit.

I read this statement on their website, they started with a quote from Picasso:

Every act of creation is first of all
an act of destruction

During the collapse of the global economy, we drew inspiration from Picasso’s words and chose not to listen to the conventional wisdom encouraging us to follow the pack and lower quality to reduce prices. Instead, we saw an opportunity to be liberated, abandoning our past to embrace the future, one that has redefined the essence of who we are. No longer mere “retailers” of home furnishings, we are now “curators” of the best historical design the world has to offer
We’ve destroyed the previous iteration of ourselves, clearing the way to express our brand in a never-before-seen fashion.

I would say that they have definitely done some destruction. There is no resemblance of the old Restoration Hardware, which I personally loved .  I always felt so comfortable and serene in their stores. I really do miss Silver Sage walls with wonderful white trim and architecture. I felt they had a variety of colors and looks that would fit into just about any decor.

They did say they were not going to do what is popular or follow the masses and yet, they have done just that. The style they are projecting has been around for quite some time and I think they have dived in head first with no wiggle room.

Here are some room vignettes from the new look of Restoration Hardware. I must say I do love some of the individual pieces and I will point those out. I am just not convinced it is a smart move to go this deep into such a specific look that has been around for awhile.

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I must tell you that in the store the walls are a darker shade of gray not this soft light color you see in their catalog which is much more appealing to me. As individual pieces I like most of what I see, but to have an entire room done in this is just too much of a good thing.

The city map is amazing and could be used in other rooms. I also believe a linen sofa is a classic, but give me some colored pillows please!!!

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Neutrals, Texture ? Yes, but enough already.

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More of the same with the addition of a chesterfield style sofa.

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Look familiar. Antler chandelier? This has been done forever!(That was said in my California Valley girl accent)

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I rest my case!!

I know many of you in blog land have truly loved this look for a long time and have it in your home. You have become a collector of Swedish, French and Belgian antiques and also have added a few of the industrial pieces. For you this is a look that you love and can relate to, before, during and after Restoration Hardware has moved on.

My whole point is, Why oh Why dive head first into one particular look that has been around for such a long time?! I am just not sure it is the wisest choice. I am not an expert- only a consumer and all of this is IMHO.

How do you all feel about this look? Are you going to jump on the band-wagon?

Enjoy the Process Of:

Really looking at trends realistically and staying true to who you are and what you truly love.
