Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Green and White Delights!!

This past week I did a little “Goodwill Hunting!” (my friend Deb's catch phrase). I think I did pretty well in finding some items that I will totally use in my home. Let me show you what I found……….

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My first little treasure is a green and white striped water pitcher. (price $2.00). It reminded my sweet Hubby of Dr. Seuss! I liked that because I love a little whimsy and then when you add stripes, I am a happy girl. I am totally going to use this for flowers. In fact ,I put some white dahlias in it and have it sitting in my kitchen by the window.

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The tall cream pitcher with the chalkboard is from Pottery Barn. I got it on another GW Hunting trip for $6.99, SCORE!!

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To the left of the green pitcher is a darling clear glass pitcher that I have some flowers in and I have it on my desk. I think it would look great with some simple syrup in it or Basalmic vinegar. I can think of all kinds of uses for this little beauty. The glass just shimmers and it looks like a very nice piece. I think it might be hand blown, but I am not sure.

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On the left is a cream mixing bowl. It is a Mason Cash from England. I have a little obsession about bowls and the way they feel in my hand. The rim has to be smooth to the touch and kind of rounded. This bowl met all the requirements and it is cream, perfect!!! I paid $5 for this lovelie.

The oblong dish is a rarebit baking dish and it is made by Hall. This will be perfect to serve roasted asparagus in. Only $2.99 for this collectable.

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I was really excited to find these water goblets. I had actually been looking for these for a long time. Who would have thought I would find them at GW’s for $1.99 each. I purchased five of these beauties. I took a close-up of the glass to show you the bubbles. Don’t they look lik 7-Up bubbles. It just makes anything you drink that much more refreshing.

Behind the glass is one of two of the silver candle sticks I purchased for $11.98 for both. They are very heavy and a classic shape. I couldn’t go wrong with these!

Last, but not least, is a sterling silver serving fork. I actually purchased this on another trip, but I had to share it with you. I had to pay a whopping 25cents for this beauty.

So there you have it!! All my Goodwill Hunting treasures. The best part of the day was spending it with my BFF. Time with a friend is “Priceless.” It was her very first time going into a Goodwill. Trust me she came out with some great treasures!!!
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Finding lovely and useable items for your home at bargain prices!