Thursday, February 25, 2010

Black Fences

I have a file that I put pictures of ideas for my home, my yard and even ideas for family and close friends. I was looking at my files the other day and  ran across one marked, Black Fences.  Last summer we had a fence built that would camouflage an unsightly view of my neighbors backyard. We call it the Great Wall. It is built with lattice panels and measures 32ft long and 9ft high.  It is a natural finish right now and actually, is probably too massive to paint it black, but oh how I wish I were a little braver so I could do this.......

I love the way green plants look against the black.

This picture is also in my black and white striped awning file that I will share with you at another time. I also would really love awnings in the back yard, but the problem is they might obstruct my view of the  trees so I am not sure they will work.

 I know this fence is not black but it is a very dark green and I can visualize it as black and it would be stunning. This is none other than the great designer Charlotte Moss in her backyard. I love the way the fence surrounds the yard and makes it feel as if it is a secret garden. Can you believe the over-sized candelier? I was thinking it almost looks like a couple of firescreens wired together.(Note to self, keep this on file for future reference)

This last image made my jaw drop. It has a few too many statues for me, like the lady in the back and the little planter on the side, but once those are out of view, this is pretty spectacular.

Another view towards the house. I must have really liked this image because I had it in my file 3 different times.

After doing a little research black fences are not a new thing. They were popular in the 18th and 19th century. The pickets would be black, but the post would be white so the carriages could see them at night. In order to get black paint, tar was used.  So glad we can buy black paint in cans!!

Now that I have showed you pictures of black fences, what do you think? Could you see a black fence in your yard?

The jury is still out on my Great Wall!

"Enjoy the Process" Of: Thinking outside the box and painting something a color you would never have done before
