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Sunday, February 21, 2010


We have all heard of tablescaping. In fact Susan over at Between Naps on the Porch actually hosts a day called Tablescape Thursdays . Have you ever thought of other areas in your home that you could do a little scaping?( is that a word?)
  I have admitted I am a bit of a perfectionist but have learned to say,"Okay is good enough. I can actually walk away from something that was maybe a little less perfect than I wanted it to be.  I want you to realize that when I  clean or reorganize something,  I will try very hard to cover all the little last details. I am telling you all of this because when I thorougly cleaned out my refridgerator I did a little "Fridgescaping." Only if it could stay like this.....

As you can see I like lots of fruit and drinks!! I also like to keep them in pretty bowls and containers. You know my kitchen cupboards are green. Notice all the different green bowls?  Why not put your everyday food items in pretty containers and have something pretty to look at when you open the door. You know something to make you smile. That is a technical design test. Does it put a smile on your face?
You know I sign off all of my post with,"Enjoy the Process".  I think you can do that even with the mundane, such as cleaning the refridgerator.

I looked on-line for some fun containers for the refridgerator. These are sold as such but you could come up with all kinds of fun things, even shopping your own home. If you love a bowl, put it in the refridgerator with eggs in it. How about that pitcher you love? Add your carton of orange juice. You just might be surprised at what you come up with once you get going on this. Here are a few of the lovelies I found for your "Fridgescaping Process."

These are just cheerful (note to self-these go with my kitchen). I found these at Sur La Table. So much more appealing than a paper carton of any juice or even milk.

If you prefer plain white you can find these at Crate and Barrel, they are also less expensive, I guess you pay more for the color green.

If you like a sleeker more contemporary look these stainless containers would look great all stacked up in your refrigerator.

If you like to see what is inside these glass containers from The Container Store are just the right answer for you. Take a look at the other fun glass containers while you visit them on line.
For you that are fun loving spirits how about these cheerful dot patterned containers or the stripes if you love lots of color.

How would you like to open your refrigerator and see this lovely little maiden looking at you? This holds butter from Anthropologie I am seriously thinking about her.

I am dying for this!!! I have a thing for pretty eggs. I have been known to buy eggs just for their color and put them in a pretty bowl in the refrigerator. A very dear friend of mine took me to Berkeley Calif. to a store called the Berkeley Bowl where they have everything organic known to man. Well they had a dairy section with cartons of eggs that I opened up everyone looking for the perfect soft blue/green eggs,(be still my heart). I know we are talking about Fridgescaping today but I am seriously planning my easter table around a couple of these ceramic egg holders. We shall see what evolves!

Now that you have been introduced to the new articstic endeavor of Fridgescaping, what do you think? Next time you clean out your refridgerator, will you think outside the box and add some pretty bowls and containers in the mix. Try it I think you will like it!!

"Enjoy the Process" Of: Painting a beautiful picture inside your refridgerator with the art of "Fridgescaping."


BTW: Since I wrote this post I have purchased the egg holder and some other great containers for my future fridgescaping,more on that later.


Jules said...

If you love pretty eggs go buy yourself some quail eggs. They look stunning in the fridge, beautiful on a plate and come in all colours and markings!
No way could my fridge ever look like that!! Too pretty for words

Allie and Pattie said...

Kathysue, I keep everything in my fridge in glass or pottery- I'm just not a Tupperware gal! I am loving the butter keepr (though I have several, but you must tell us where to find those egg holders-darling!!
xoxo Pattie

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

What great inspirational pic. I wish my fridge would look that neat and stay that neat. We just kind of grab and put it back where ever and slam the door. See you have made me think differently about the inside of the fridge for Pete's sake.(lol) I love that butter keeper, too. So cute in her yellow dress.

Melissa Miller said...

Kathysue I LOVE this idea! Thank you for the inspiration. I am doing it today for sure.

Yours looks perfect and very pretty!

~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

Carrie said...

I love this idea - Frigescaping indeed! I enjoy seeing my washed grapes and other fruit in nice dishes in the fridge just waiting to be served. I've got to work on rethinking my storage containers for beauty as well as food preservation.
Thanks for sharing,
Carrie - Oak Rise Cottage

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Kathysue, this is so pretty. You always pay attention to every last detail in your home and that just makes it so you. Your fridge looks gorgeous. First I just have to clean mine, it is time again. Hope you have a super day. Hugs, Marty

Tammy@InStitches said...

It's funny you posted this today because I was at a friend's house last night and noticed how good her fridge looked and thought, I really need to work on mine ! Yours looks beautiful !

La Dolfina said...

I'm totally into Fridgescaping!! Love the word you created by the way, Perfect!!
I don't do it as often as I should but every once in a while I go to town styling it and it makes me so happy :)
I think you should do a future post where everyone sends you photos of their fridgescaped refrigerator.
What a concept you've come up with!! I love it!!
You really do possess a lot of Virgo traits, you know.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Kathysue, I downloaded Picasa 3 in order to do mosaics. Still took me a while to figure it out, but not too hard. The linky thing, all you do is click on the other person's blog so that the blog name is up in the url. Right click on the url and click copy. Go to your post you are working on and click on link at the top of the post and it will open up the window and paste the link you copied into the space just like you do for pictures except you have it on url instead of web. I hope that was half understandable. Then to link to a party you just click on their linky connection and click and copy your url to your post you want to link and paste it in the linky box on the blog you want to link to. Not hard once you do it.

Foley said...

You give me inspiration into do some fridgescaping..it needs it!! The ribbed glass container with the indentations for handles..I found one exactly like that at Wal-Mart! I use it for my juice..it's amazing how fast you use something up when it looks good in the fridge!

Paula Bee said...

What a cute post! I love it. You know you have inspired me to do a bit of fridgescaping myself (although mine doesn't look half as pretty as yours). Our little blue egg holders look very nice in the fridge. Now I just need to get to work on the freezer! Have a great day! Love, Paula

aneyefordetail said...

I have been looking for butter dishes! My husband has just decided he does NOT like the "tub effect" of the butter substitutes we use... but wants REAL butter in a dish, left on the counter so it won't be hard! A little fat never hurt anyone, so he says.
So my job (love it...) is to find and buy a really nice ceramic, covered butter dish! I'm thinking French. Suggestions anyone? Campere, Provencal?

Also love love those dotted storage containers: must buy some of them!

Sue said...

You win...you are more obsessive than I am! I do organize my frig when I clean it. I line up "like" items. Sometimes I do have a bowl of grapes or cherry tomatoes all washed and ready to go. Mine never looks this pretty! I have too many jars of pickles and olives...they tend to take over the place!


Anonymous said...

Such a cute post! Love the Jadite mixing bowl!

Eddie + Jaithan

Unknown said...

Hi Kathysue! WOW, that's a clean frig!!! I try and keep mine up as I go along so that I don't have to do the dreaded major overhaul cleaning on it...ack...no fun...mine's not nearly as clean as yours though!

:) T

red ticking said...

i just love this post because when i open my refrigerator, i want it to feel "happy" as well... so fun... mine is tidy but your is fabulous... love your blog hope you had a wonderful weekend x pam

Anonymous said...

Who knew? Fridgescaping! What an awesome idea. :-) Yours turned out beautifully. How are you going to even be able to pull anything out of there to cook now?

Sharon said...

What a cool post! Only someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder would think of Fridgescaping but I love it. Thanks for the ideas.

Kellie Collis said...

What a neat fridge !

Kat said...

Kathysue, you know how much I love this idea. With Cait back home, our fridge is a disaster area right now - you know, open the door VERY carefully so things don't fly out of the freezer and break your foot! I love that Jadeite bowl. And the egg carton - where did you find that? Thanks for the inspiration. Hugs, Kat
@aneyefordetail - my daughter found a beautiful Le Creuset butter dish at TJ Maxx. I don't know what she paid for it, but she's a college student so it must have been cheap!

Tricia said...

You are too cute Kathsue~ love this post! It would take me hours to complete a fridgescape worthy of a blog post so kudos to you!! I recently started putting grapes in a white bowl so it's easy to pull out and snack on. Love your idea of putting other fruit and even eggs in pretty containers.
Happy Monday.

Marija said...

Ah!! I thought I was the only one! I use baskets in my fridge and love everything lined up and orderly. Love the glass bowls you are using. And that lovely little butter maiden? Gotta get her! Thanks for the tip! Marija

Cristin // Simplified Bee said...

Fridgescaping... love it! The egg hold in turquoise is my fav! Might have to take a trip across the bay to get one for myself.

Thanks for visiting my blog too!!!


Carrie Garvin said...

I also keep eggs in a bowl- I believe it was my grandmothers. I'm trying to change everything over to glass for frig storage.

Beautifully50 said...

I really need this!! I was actually embarrassed this weekend when a friend opened my fridge..it looked like I had everything out on the kitchen counter and shoved it back in the fridge when I heard the doorbell ring! ha
But really - I love the eggs in a bowl and the egg holder! I love the Anthro butter holder and love your use of color! I'm inspired! Thanks Kathysue!

I didn't know you were friends with Terri! Kellie and I met when are sons were 2..now they are 8. She is AMAZING! She kept telling me to blog and one cold winter day I decided to try and set one up..and here we go. It's so fun...my other friends really don't get it!:)

A Perfect Gray said...

wow! looks awesome. But don't come look at mine. You wouldn't like it. I gotta try this!

Anonymous said...

Fun idea.....

I LOVE that butter dish...

Kathy :)

vignette design said...

Before I die, I want the Subzero glass door monstrosity of a refrigerator so that I can "fridgesape" to my heart's content! Your refrigerator scape is motivating me to stage the inside of mine. That would make my husband very happy! He hates messy refrigerators. All I need is that Subzero.....

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

If I didn't think that cute little butter holding girl would get broken by someone getting something out of my fridge, I'd be ordering her. Those eggs holders are really neat, and will be fabulous for Easter. Kathysue, I want to thank you for your sweet visit to my blog today. You are such a kind friend. I'm so glad you started blogging. You are a natural at it. laurie

xinex said...

I can't wait to go home to do a fridgescaping. Thanks for the inspiration, KathySue!...Christine