Thursday, January 28, 2016

The First Step To Take Before Decorating Your Home!


Let's Get In Touch With What YOU Truly LOVE!!!

Making an Informative Vignette!

I know all of you out in blogland are very creative when it comes to making a vignette.  I have seen many lovely and fun vignettes in my travels throughout blogland. 
Today I am not talking about a decorative type of vignette. I am talking about an....
 "Informative Vignette" 
An informative vignette is something that I  would have  my clients do as part of their design consult. This is a tool that has helped me and my clients really get in touch with what they will truly love in their homes.

Are you ready to make you own...
"Informative Vignette"
  • First, and this step is very important, I want you to clear your mind of any of the ideas that you have previously thought about for your existing home. We are trying to get to the real core of you style.
  •  Now, think of five items you have had for more than five years that you absolutely love.  It can be an accessory from your home, a dish from your cupboard, or even an old favorite sweater or a pair of shoes. 
  • Put all of these things in an open clear spot in your home, now step back. What do you see?  Look at the colors, textures, styles, overall theme or feeling? 
  • These are the elements that you need to have in your home to make your home, Truly YOUR'S. 
If you want to take this step a little further go to pinterest, or instagram, and pull together some of the favorite rooms you have saved. 

Do the same thing when you look at these rooms. Look for the colors, textures, styles and over all feel or theme of the room. Make a list of what you love in these rooms.
Once you have a list of elements then you can start pulling together a room that you will love. 

Shop your own home to see just how many of the elements you might already own. These elements could be living in another part of the house. 

Don't be afraid of using them in a different room, you might be very surprised at well you like them in their new environment.

It is very important that you are really honest with yourself in the process of pulling your items together.
Sometimes we talk ourselves into maybe the latest trend or something we have seen in a friend's home.

BTW: Throughout this post I have posted images that are my all time favorite rooms. If you look at each picture with keeping the elements of:
1. Color
2. Texture
3. Overall style, theme or feel of room
I bet you could analyze the elements I would need in my room in order to make me love my home.

My goal for myself and for YOU is to have you really understand your own personal style. I hope this little exercise will help you in discovering the true YOU for your home.
Now go and have fun with this, and see what you discover about yourself, be open and honest or it won't work!

You can go to my All Time Favorite pin board to see more of what I TRULY LOVE HERE!