Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Three Easy Tips To Help Keep An Organized Closet

Today's post is going to give you some easy-to-do tips that will help keep things in your closets a bit more organized.

I am sure we all think if we had a closet like the one pictured below it would not be any problem keeping it neat and tidy. 

However, most of us don't have this luxury so we have to be a bit more creative. 

dream closet

I am going to share three easy tips that have helped me in the past.

Are you ready to be blown away?

When you take a piece of clothing off of the hanger, take the hanger, and put it at the beginning of the clothes rack. Now you won't have empty hangers among your clothing, nor do you ever have to hunt for a hanger.

I told you it would rock your world!! Okay, maybe that is an exaggeration, but it really is a simple thing to do and makes life a little easier.

My next life changing tip has to do with color.


color coded closet, love this

This is a very simple process and you can decide on your own how you want to color code you personal closet.

Personally I go from lights to darks, solids to patterns.

Professional organizers use the following acronym:
Of course we all have black and white in our closets, I always start with white, then black, and then colors.

I do this mainly because I wear more black and white as my staple pieces so having them first in my closet makes life easier for me.

color coded organization #closet


All blouses, shirts, pants, sweaters, skirts and dresses should be put together and color coded.
I take it one step further, and put sleeveless, then short sleeve then long sleeved shirts together, and the same process with my dresses.

Good Life of Design: Color Coding Will Help Keep Your Closet Organized!

Organized Closet

Do you have any special little tips that you do when organizing your closets?

Leave a comment and share with the rest of us, we love new ideas!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

How I Organize My Beauty Products

spring cleaning

It is that time of year for me! 

Time to start cleaning out! 

I started with an easy area  to help me get in the mood to continue onto the big stuff that is not so easy, (closet, garage, you get the picture.) 

I have a way of procrastinating when it comes to my closet and garage.

Spring cleaning 5

I began with my make-up! 

Recently I made some new purchases so I could not possibly put my brand new items in a messy make-up bag.(Read about new purchases HERE!)

This time around I decided to divide my beauty products that I use ALL the time from the various lipsticks, and other make-up that I only use occasionally. I put the extras in a small three drawer stack of drawers.

Plus, to be honest it is pretty hard for me to get rid of lipsticks, and lip glosses. I kind of have an addiction when it comes to my lips.

spring cleaning 3

The first thing I did was gather all of my make-up brushes to clean. I actually went through 3 different methods to see which one was the best so I could tell you all what really works.

Clean with baby shampoo: I have done my brushes this way before and it seemed to work fine until……..

Clean with equal amounts of Dawn and Olive oil: The premise here is the Dawn cleans them and the oil conditions the brush itself.

Only problem was I think I used too much olive oil so I had to do my final and BEST method as far as I am concerned.

Clean with Dawn: DONE and clean.

I was  amazed at how much more makeup this process got out of my, what I thought was, already clean brushes.

I laid them on a white towel to dry….

Next it was time to organize and purge.

It actually went rather quickly to my surprise.

I used  a stack of three drawers:


The first drawer contains what I start with first, foundation. 

I also put the brushes I use to apply foundation, and concealer in this drawer so I don’t have to rummage through all of my brushes to find just the right on.

Second drawer contains eye makeup and brushes

Third drawer contains my blushes, lipsticks and glosses that I wear on a regular basis.








The next items were my lotions, and potions that I use daily. 

I corralled them in a plastic basket that is easy to clean if I spill something, which I do once in awhile, I am kind of a klutz…

I keep both the stack of drawers, and the basket inside my closet, and just bring them to the vanity counter when I use them. 

spring cleaning 4

So far it has been very easy to keep them clean, and organized because everything has it’s place.

I don’t know if this method will work for you, but it is an inexpensive way to store make-up and keep it out of sight until you need to use it.

How do you store your beauty products? Leave a comment, we can all learn from each other!! 

After all that is why I started this little blog, to tell you all what I have learned, and to learn from you!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Adding A Bit More Black To My Family Room


"It is all in the details," someone once said, and in design it truly is. 

The details are what can take an ordinary room, or piece, and take it up a notch.

I have two ottomans in my family room, one I use as a coffee table/footstool. The other is used as a footstool for comfortable seating while watching TV.

P1140022 (800x600)

You can see it in front of the white chair, notice the simple legs? Well those had to go, they just were not fitting in my room.

I looked online at several different sites, to find different styles that might work with the overall look I had in mind.


Before ordering the legs I had to take a couple of measurements:

  • The height of the leg
  • The diameter of the leg…. I got this measurement by measuring from the original hole to the edge of the corner of the ottoman to see how large the diameter could be.

I had to do quite a bit of looking to find one that would meet the criteria of the correct measurements and the look I wanted, and of course there was price, there is always a budget for these things.


In my looking everything that I seemed to like was ranging from $25-$35 each. I am not sure the ottoman itself was worth that expense, so I kept looking.

I finally found a site with affordable choices that I could justify to myself, and hubby.


These were under $11 each! To be honest I was shocked at the price difference from other sites for the same look and quality.

 Ordered and Done!!!!

No matter what the finish was on the legs I had always intended on painting them satin black.

They look shinier here because of the lighting, you will also notice they have a bit of distressing on the finish.


P1140986 (800x600)

I love the way the legs look on the black and white rug.

P1140984 (600x800)
I am very pleased with how the new legs give the simple Ikea ottoman more presence in the room.

Once I get my new bobbin chair in the room the picture will be  almost complete.

Ethan Allen Brant chair

Yes, I said almost, I always have something else in this busy designing brain of mine. As always, in our home………….



Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday Show And Tell

Do you ever find something and you just have to share with your friends? Me Too!! 

That’s why today I am going to share with you a few things I have either just now realized, or found. One of my finds I am REALLY, REALLY excited about, keep reading!!!

First let’s start at the top!!

Did you know that you could put conditioner on your hair, leave it in over night, and wash it out the next day and Voila, you will have shiny, silky hair?

Me either!!
My hairdresser told me to do it, and boy am I glad she did, it is a great way to give your hair a silky boost. Plus, it is much cheaper than using Moroccan oil.

Just make sure you are using a good replenishing conditioner. I use Bain de Terre, and it smells heavenly.
Bain de terre conditioner

Let's FACE IT!! 


I have a couple of things I have to share with you here. I found a night cream that I am seeing, and feeling wonderful results with my skin….

My skin is hydrated, and so much smoother, this will definitely be a repeat purchase. It is on sale right now and if you use this link….

You will get $10 off your purchase if you are a new customer. Be sure, and read my other post on skincare products I love, you might see something else you might want!! HERE

Something else new to me that I am loving, is a new Brow defining cream. I was a bit reluctant because to be honest I was not unhappy with my Bare minerals brow powder.

I kept reading about brow defining creams and gels were the newest look for brows and much more natural looking. 

Since I was out of my powder I thought I would give it a try.Well, let me tell you, I am a new convert. 

It fills in my brows much better than the powder did with a much more natural look, and a very easy application. This is definitely a Go-to product for me now.
Brow cream duo Paulas Choice
I use the lighter shade for my brows. I wish they had one color instead of the two, since I can’t use the darker for my brows, but I could use it as a liner.

Anyhow check it out, I think you will love. You can use the same link above for your $10 off.

Next and the one I am most excited about!!


MAC false lashes mascara

Omgosh, I have been looking, and looking, and trying, and trying to find a mascara that did NOT clump, and that actually made my eyelashes look longer, and more voluminous. 

I don’t know about all of you, but  since I became a woman of a certain age, my lashes are thinner, and they even look shorter, but when I put this mascara on, it was like, “Oh there you are, where have you been oh lashes of mine?!”

They also offer a To-Go size for $10, great for your purse or if you just want to try it first. You can get it HERE!

Shall we get to the bottom of things?


Since it is Spring I have been on the hunt for a pair of yellow pants. I ordered two different pairs that did not work out as far as the color of yellow that actually arrived.

It is so hard to judge from one monitor to another. So if you know of any cute bright yellow pants around let me know.

However, I did find a couple pair of pants, one in a soft pink and the other in a cobalt blue. Both of which will go nicely in my wardrobe.

Talbots is having a sale on their regular priced pants, 20% off!!

Talbot slimming bi-stretch ankle pant
Let me tell you, I have the hardest time finding pants to fit me. I have short legs, sturdy thighs and calves.

Let’s just say I won’t fall over if a big wind hits me.
Anyhow these fit, and stretch, and are extremely comfortable. 

I already have a pair of Kelly Green pants just like these so I am set. Now if I could just find my yellow pants!!

 Something To Think About!

One last thing, I love fashion, but to be honest have not found any blogs featuring women of a certain age that has a style sense close to my own.

Have you noticed they stop at the age of 50, when they do fashion, make-up or hair articles? 

What the heck, we are not in the ground yet! Sheeesh!!!

When I look at the over 50, or a woman of a certain age blogs, I find they are either dressing too trendy, trying to look young, or they dress like a Nana, and to be honest a bit frumpy.

 Oh then let’s not forget the character dressing, that is out there too. None of which is for me.

Frumpy is something I try very, very hard not to be. I know the clothing industry does not market to our demographic, but there are ways of putting classic pieces together with a touch of a trend now and again.

I have a blog for you!!! written by the beautiful Beth Djalali….

style of a certain age 2style of a certain age
She dresses classic with some trendy pieces now and again. 

She always carries fabulous purses and wears equally as fashionable shoes and belts. 

Her clothing proportions are spot on for her stature.(I think proportions are so over looked on most fashion blogs, and they are so important.)

I spent a great deal of time perusing her entire blog and I pinned away. You can see what I pinned here.

Be sure and check her blog out, and tell her Kathysue sent you!!! Leave a comment, fashion blogging takes a lot of time, give her a minute of yours. ;)

Now, go out and enjoy your beautiful first weekend of Spring. I plan on doing a lot of this….

relax in the Spring