Friday, March 28, 2014

I'm In A Vacation Kind of Mood!



Certain times of the year I get an aching inside to go somewhere. It almost always involves going to the beach.

When we are at the beach the lifestyle is more relaxed and casual, and I love that.

Once in awhile we like to go out to a nice dinner so it requires us to dress up a bit more than our usual flip flops, t-shirt and shorts.

I want to be comfortable, but look as if I made some effort. 

summer white skirt
It has to be comfy, stylish and somewhat casual in style.

There is one type of outfit that I have always been fascinated with that is thematic, and to be honest I am not usually the girl that dresses in thematic clothing. 

We all remember the 80s with the themed sweaters. Oh My!! Thank goodness that is over.

But there is one themed typed dressing that I find classic, and it has been around since the 50’s.

summer skirt with denim

I have  a fascination with clothing that has vacation scenes on them, but have never owned any. I realize it is not for everyone, but this girl loves the look.

summer skirt
I find them fashionable, fun, and uplifting.

A designer that epitomizes this look is Kate Spade.
Kate Spade is my kind of gal. She loves color, and a bit of whimsy, and adds that to her collection. 

This year she came out with this dress…..

kate spade elza $448
I fell in love with this look until I saw the price! $448. I don’t know about you, but that is just NOT in my budget.

That began the search!!!

Sometimes it takes a bit of research, but often times you can find something similar in the price range that feels more to your liking. So it makes the search worth your efforts.

Recently I have been going to Boden online and finding several pieces that I love. They use color, interesting prints and feminine silhouettes. I have been pleased with the quality and the pricing.

Look at what I found!

boden dress

I can’t wait to get it and see if it is something that I can wear! If it works, I will wear a yellow cardigan and gold sandals with simple jewelry. I want the dress to be the star!

I try to always be open to all styles and price points. I know others that will only look at what they think they can afford. 

I highly recommend looking at all fashion, and learn from what you see. 

If you see something you love,study its lines, pattern and flow. See if you can find something that is more in your price range that will give you the same overall look.

That is exactly what I did, and if it fits and looks good on me I will have saved quite a bundle….

Ribbet collage Blog post hi and lo

I challenge you to start looking beyond your usual shopping sources. Find things that you love, and see if you can find them at an affordable price point!!