Friday, April 20, 2012

An Eventful Day In My Life


We have all heard, or read this saying before. When we graduated from High School or College,or when we got married, someone might have said this saying  too us.

All those eventful days were a long time ago for me, but today for my sweet hubby, and me it applies again!

As of today, my sweet hubby is officially retired!! He has worked hard for our family and has been a wonderful provider. Not just monetarily, but he is our, “ROCK.”

He has conducted his life with honor in all aspects, and he is a man to be honored, and respected.
He is a person I wish I could be more like.

I feel truly blessed to be able  to enter this next chapter in our lives together.

We have already had an amazing journey, not always perfect, not without heartache, or sacrifice at times, but always filled with love and devotion to each other, and our family.

Gone are the days of schedules and alarm clocks…….

Kathysue and her sweet Hubby will be doing more of this, whenever possible…………

We will Be:

 “Enjoying The Process!”
As Much As Possible