Thursday, April 19, 2012

I Have A Confession

My Explanation for what I am about to confess…..

It is no secret I love Pinterest. I have been on Pinterest  for a bit longer than some, and not as long as others. I guess the fact that I have over 12,000 pins proves I really do love to pin.

(one of the many images I have pinned)

Collecting ideas, and pretty images went hand in hand with my design career. My clients paid me well for giving them ideas. I searched long, and hard to find fun, new, and unique ideas that they could apply in their homes. 

You can only imagine my delight when I found Pinterest. I was happily pinning along, and then Pinterest made a change to the format of our Face page.

Once Pinterest changed the look of our Face page I found how obsessed I am about how things appear at first glance.

Now for my confession……..

Every night before I shut down my computer, I would go to my face page, and change the first four rows that would appear on the screen.
I needed the images to coordinate or at least look good together.

My First Four Images On My Face Page……


  • I knew I was being obsessed, but you have to understand I am such a visual person that if it does not look right to me at first glance, I feel compelled to improving how it looks. I spent my whole career doing that for people in their homes.

    Something had to be done so I took the matters into my own hands and....... 

    Dear Mr. Powers-That-Be at Pinterest,

    I actually wrote an email to the Powers-That-Be explaining to them I would love the option to choose which image was going to be used as the cover pictures on each of my boards. 

    Apparently others had expressed their desire to have control over their face page also.

    Pinterest listened and we now have the ability to choose which image we would like to have up as the intro-image (or board cover, that is the official name from Pinterest) to each board.

     Thank you to the Powers-that-BE!!!

    Here is what Pinterest wrote on their blog………

    One of the most requested features was the ability to choose a pin to be the cover for each board. Today, you’ll be able to do just that

    If you’d prefer a specific pin as a board cover, mouse-over the board you want to edit and click “Edit Board Cover”. Next, select a cover pin and drag it to the exact position you want.

    When you’re finished, hit “Set Cover”.
    You can also choose a board cover while you’re browsing within your board: Just mouse-over any of your pins to select it.


    Isn’t this a great option? I know most people probably don’t care, but for we visual types it has to look a certain way. 

    Now when you visit my pinboards my board covers represent my design, and style aesthetics.

    I don’t feel quite as bad about my obsessive behavior, knowing that others felt the same way.

    Whew!! I guess I am somewhat normal!? Or at least I hope I am. Please tell me I am normal!!