Monday, July 12, 2010

A Hard Post To Write

I have hesitated to write this post because, frankly the words are hard for me to write. Late Sunday night I recieved a phone call from a dear friend. I was so happy to hear his voice, but then the words he was about to say to me would pierce my heart.
He told me that Marija Stephens of Holding Court blog had been killed in a tragic car accident. I must admit I did not comprehend it at first and when I did, I had to have him repeat what I thought I had just heard.

As many of the bloggers in blogland I knew Marija through her witty, insightful, intelligent , well written blog. I also had the privilege of emailing her about a post that pulled at my heart strings. It was the post about her father. We both had written Fathers day post about our Dads who were no longer with us. She left me a wonderful comment and I emailed her. The thoughtful and wonderful person Marija was emailed me about how I had touched her.
That is the kind of person she was. The kind that would take time to contact someone to let them know how she felt. A person that was warm , kind and encouraging to others.
I always could tell that she was a woman that knew what she wanted and would work hard to get it. She was also a woman that would never let anything get in the way of her top priority, her family.
She loved them fiercely and she liked them as people and liked to spend time with them. The love and respect she had for her husband Cory or Mr. Court, as she would call him on her blog, was so evident.
You see Marija was a talented designer and the kind of writer that never wrote about something that was not important to her. In her writings you could learn so much about the woman behind the words, because her words were always typed with honesty and integrity.
The last words she wrote to me personally were at the end of her email,
 I hope you find yourself in Chicago some day. I would love to share a cocktail or a coffee and learn more about you.  Seems we have much in common.  Blogging can be truly beautiful...
Have a wonderful week.  And from the very bottom of my heart, thank you.
I am sorry to say I will now never have the opportunity of meeting this wonderful lady. She will be missed by so many of us in blog land.

How about some Frigescaping?

Do you remember my Frigescaping post? The whole concept was to make even the inside of your refrigerator look pleasing to the eye. I put fruit , eggs etc. in pretty containers instead of just in the drawer, or in the container they came in. It is surprising how fun it is to open the door when it looks pretty and pleasing to your eye.
frige%20pantry%20closet%20redo%20006[1] (2)
In a perfect world it would always stay like this, but alas it does not, or at least it does not in my life. In my Frigescaping (I made this word up) post I also showed you some cool containers that you could add to your refrigerator to make it look pretty. Like the egg holder from Anthropologie that I purchased.
Go to my post if you would like to see more ideas,here.
While looking in blog land the other day I went to a new blog to me, that I loved called Brooklyn Limestone. On one of the post they had a post on I another new site to me, with some fun containers to keep food in. It is called My Sparrow and this on-line shop has some amazing pieces. What caught my eye was the white ceramic berry and plum baskets.

berrie basket
Aren’t these wonderful and they are a very reasonable price at $12.
Check out this darling owl pitcher, any drink would taste better poured out of this cutie.
I love the premise of their on-line shop as well as their one of a kind Etsy shop. I am paraphrasing here:
They are stylishly responsible! You should bring things into your life that make you smile. Mixing vintage and new while still being Eco-friendly.
I really like that, a smile and Eco-friendly. I am happy and Mother Nature is happy, that sounds like a winning combination to me!!

Be sure to check out their blog, their on-line shop and their Etsy shop.
Now I have given you a resource to add to your Frigescaping pieces. I am going to order the berry and plum basket for my Fridge!!
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Making your food look lovely in your refrigerator!