Thursday, March 18, 2010

Do You Believe In Fairies?

Do you believe in fairies?  I have a special little girl in my life that truly believes! Since there are going to be fairies in our lives we had to make a special spot for them to come and visit.  We love flowers and garden fairies so we had to make a special Fairy Garden. First, we had to have a plan so she drew a picture........
You can see she knew exactly how she wanted her Fairy Garden to look.
We took a trip to the nursery and bought a variety of plants varying in shapes and texture. She was very good at picking the plants out. We knew we needed moss as a ground cover , something soft for the fairies to walk on. We also needed very small rocks for their path, so a pretty colored pea gravel would work for that.
Since we needed a few structures to add to our garden, we took a walk to the park with scissors and a bag.  We went on a adventure choosing straight twigs for the gazebo and fences and bendable branches to make a garden arbor.
Here is the result of our little Fairy Garden that she named,"The Crystal Fairy Garden."

You can see from the pictures that we used a large ceramic pot. After making this one I would use a pot at least the size of a wine barrel. It will give you much more room to add things as you go. We had to eliminate the idea of a shell  bath for the Fairy Queen and a clothes line to hang their fairy clothing to dry after they washed it in the pond. Your imagination will totally take over, trust me on this. I see many other Fairy Gardens in my future.

Suggested steps to take:

  1. Make a drawing or plan
  2. Decide which container you will use
  3. Buy a variety of plants and ground cover
  4. Try making your own structures using natural materials
  5. If natural materials are not available I am sure Michaels would have some things to use in miniature
  6. Place plants where you think you want them to go and then plant the plants first.
  7. Next do the mossLast, add the garden path and the pond. Now you are ready to place your structures

Remember to name your Fairy Garden. Now you have to wait for the fairies to arrive.

Fairies usually come out some time after midnight and before dawn. Since our Fairy Garden was named the Crystal Fairy Garden I was sure they would leave something like crystals behind and maybe a rose petal or two from swimming in the pond. You know they dry off with rose petals. The next morning when we woke up, my special little girl went to see her Fairy Garden and guess what? There were three crystals and two rose petals on the moss and even a flower floating in the pond. I do believe in Fairies, how could I not?

The next time my special boys come to visit, I want to make a garden for them also but theirs will be for dinasours, leggos or cars and trucks.  Who knows what they will create?! They have great imaginations. If you have special little visitors come to your home, I highly recommend this activity. What a fun day it was!

"Enjoy the Process." Of: Using your childlike imagination and creating something wonderful.
